Posts Tagged ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land 2’


Galleon Viddeon

As I warned in my last post, here is the promised video tour of my Minecraft Galleon build on the multi-player survival freebuild server, HavenTerrace (

I haven’t produced a new video for my YouTube channel (Subscribe! Just go do it now while you’re feeling pressured!) for a while due to the gloriously sunny, sweaty, burning, hot, hot, hot (did I mention hot?) weather we have had lately. To record, I need to close the windows here to cut out the sounds of neighbours, their kids, their dogs, their ill-conceived DIY projects, their lawn-mowing and their bizarre need to carry out full-volume conversations with each other in the middle of the street. Of course, shutting the window in this weather turns my PC room into a furnace and makes recording a video without passing out half way through due to heat exhaustion rather difficult.

A slight cold snap the other day meant I managed to do this tour. Enjoy. :)

There are things I’m considering building next on the server but no concrete plans at the moment. One is a traditional build, one is a little odd, one is a little humongous and one is a nod back to the old Cloud Cuckoo Land. I don’t know which I’ll give the go ahead to but I’m looking forward to finding out. 😉


Sailing the sky high seas

If you watched the Lighthouse video tour from my last Minecraft build on the new multi-player freebuild survival server (HavenTerrace –, you might remember that I already had an idea of what my next build in Cloud Cuckoo Land 2 was going to be. If you didn’t watch it… WTF DUDE! I THOUGHT YOU WERE COOL?! I WATCHED ALL THAT WEIRD SHIT YOU’VE BEEN UPLOADING! JEEZ, SOME PEOPLE! Ahem, sorry… where was I?

Yeah, yeah, the build. As you can probably guess from the thumbnails below (click on them for larger images), the new construction is a Galleon! I’ve tried my hand at sea-going craft before with my much, much, much  smaller vessel, the Clipper ship (and does the Fish count?) but I’ve always wanted to give a larger, less fairground-ride-escapee looking ship a go.

Minecraft Galleon 1This isn’t the first time I’d made plans to build something like this. On the old dead server, I had actually started building a dock, much like the one you can see running alongside the ship in this screenshot. To be honest, I’m rather glad nothing came of that. I don’t build in the quite same way now as I did in the past and something of this scale would have had me climbing the walls without the necessary preparation.

Instead, it just felt like putting together the world’s biggest jigsaw made of planks and wool. Speaking of planks, tallying everything up I figured out that the whole thing needed over 13,000 planks in total. I thank Notch that the server has a shop setup as I’m sure I would have had to spend a couple of weeks deforesting half the server just for the wood alone. Let’s not mention the poor sheepies going cold without their sail-worthy wool.

Minecraft Galleon 2So I might have gone a little over the top on the detail here and there. I admit – if I never have to place another upside-down staircase again in my life, I’d be fine with that. If you didn’t notice before, you probably have now – the Galleon isn’t sat in the ocean like it’s typical water-based brethren. As with all Cloud Cuckoo Land 2 structures, this one is far, far above the land/sea, floating in the clouds. It certainly made building the hull a lot easier, now that I think about it, not worrying about drowning every couple of minutes and only being able to see a few feet in front of my face.

Minecraft Galleon 3The obligatory (I just like them, all right?!) balcony at the back of the ship leads to the Captain’s private quarters and just above that is his dining room where all the posh guests get to eat. Gold plates, plush carpet and fancy marble (uh… quartz) pillars, yeah, this is the life.

Don’t be too impressed by the meal of cake that is being served – for some reason all the crew eat cake on this ship but I guess the one placed before the Captain might have slightly fewer weevils in it than the rest of them (or more, I don’t know what he’s into).

Minecraft Galleon 4Speaking of cooking – the ship’s Cook has a lovely large galley in which to prepare that endless supply of infested baked goods. A huge oven takes centre stage, with a boiling cauldron over the rather poor choice of flowing lava as a heat source. If the ship ever burns to ashes, look no further.

Cupboards and two supply rooms make use of those new carpets added in the recent Minecraft update, stacked on top of each other to pass as shelves. The shelves are bare, however. I guess that’s why they’ve come to dock at CCL2 – to restock. Three tons of flour, two tons of sugar, fifty barrels of milk, twenty crates of eggs and a barrel of weevils (add to taste).

Minecraft Galleon 5Now the crew can either take their meals in the crew mess hall or on the bottom deck in their communal bunk areas. It’s a bit cramped down here and the stench could kill a weevil but it’s a little square of ship they get to call their own.

The plates aren’t quite as valuable as at the Captain’s table but he has provided them with bookcases in the hopes that they better themselves (between re-reading the ship’s only copy of 50 Shades of Grey or something, I guess). Pamphlets on how a life-jacket won’t help if you fall overboard or explaining why if all we eat is cake, what are all those blood stains in the galley about? That sort of thing.

Minecraft Galleon 6The old Clipper ship had one and my new base has one so here is the Galleon’s hold where they keep all their valuables. Unfortunately, it’s looking a little empty at the moment but I’m sure once they’re back out exploring the great unknown, this area will soon fill up with blocks of gold, diamond and maybe even the odd block of emeralds.

I guess they must have divvied up all the loot as the ship is completely devoid of people. No doubt the crew are all off either drinking away their share or burying it on some desert island somewhere with a ridiculously obvious ‘X’ marking the spot. Before long, their pockets will be empty again and they’ll all come crawling back.

Minecraft Galleon 7The last shot is of the front of the ship where there’s more storage and some more cramped crew quarters. Those little things you can see poking out from the side of the ship are the cannons. There’s forty in all and due to a little shipment order typo, they’re full of arrows rather than cannon balls. Still quite lethal but more in a pointy way than a crushy way.

The Galleon is something I’ve wanted to build since making the smaller Clipper. It’s still not very authentic or accurate in terms of real ships but it looks more the part. Planning took ages and I had to make sure that it didn’t encroach on anyone else’s ground level build… and then a world-resizing and CCL2 relocation made all that irrelevant.

I plan to make a video tour of this build quite soon so if you’re interested in seeing a little bit more of this ship, keep an eye out for that.


Light expansion

In the last Minecraft video I posted, I gave you a guided tour of my new base on HavenTerrace ( and ended it with an unveiling of my new long-term project, Cloud Cuckoo Land 2. High above the surface, floating on woollen clouds, it’ll be a home to all kinds of new builds.

This post is to quickly showcase my first expansion on CCL2 – The Lighthouse!

There used to be a lighthouse on the previous Cloud Cuckoo Land but with the new server, I’ve refined the design a touch and I think it looks just a bit more authentic/natural than the old one.

I’d love to have the light flash on and off or even rotate but that kind of stuff is beyond poor old me. The usual methods either include a mass of redstone and pistons, or a lovely little quick & dirty method involving a perpetual motion minecart that unfortunately won’t work with my particular layout of lamps. It’s a shame but I’ll keep looking for a method that could possibly be applied.

As the video mentions, I’m already in the middle of planning the next stage of Cloud Cuckoo Land 2. I like to tinker and try out my builds first in creative single player mode before assembling them on the multi-player server. It allows me to fiddle with materials and quickly tweak layouts without having to wrangle all the bits and pieces together. The new build is going to be big so it’ll need a regular ol’ mountain of resources.

I’ll post an update when it’s complete. Hope you’ll check it out.


Cloud Cuckoo Land 2

Back on the old Minecraft server, one of the last things I was tinkering with was the original Cloud Cuckoo Land. It was an ongoing project where I just basically built whatever I fancied …in the sky! I even made a YouTube video for it, encouraging people to suggest structures I could add to it.

The whole thing was situated far from the beaten track on an island I dubbed Piggy Island (because I found a couple of pigs on it, which I then used to infest the whole place. Then I built a large wool pig who I proclaimed King of the island). In the video, after a set of towers leading up into the sky, the player found themselves on a platform containing a lighthouse, a little cottage and two unfinished structures. The first little pocket of land, was the area I was asking for suggestions for and eventually built an oversized goldfish bowl, complete with goldfish – made of gold blocks, naturally. There was going to be a little more to that build. I had planned to add a tree overhanging the bowl where the branches would hold a tree house and fishing platform. The other partial build glimpsed in the video was my Hotel Skoardy, which I did eventually complete (as seen in this video).

There would have been more but then ‘the troubles’ happened and now I live on HavenTerrace ( The video I’ve embedded here today is a tour of all the builds I’ve mentioned in my most recent posts as well as the grand reveal of my new, improved Cloud Cuckoo Land 2!

As before, I’ve no particular plan with CCL2, just a sense of some of the things I want to try my hand at. If you got some suggestions as to what I should add up there, feel free to leave them as comments on the CCL2 YouTube page. Of course, as CCL2 grows, I’ll report here on the new structures and hopefully continue adding videos of them to my YouTube channel. If you’re feeling charitable, you could always throw me a bone and subscribe to it. 😉

Oh, and before I forget, this video breaks a couple of personal milestones for me. Apart from being my first video over the normal 15 minute limit YouTube gives new contributors, it’s also my first video in ‘HD’. Sure, it’s only 1 minute over the limit and only 720p but baby steps in improving the overall quality, eh?

If only I could get rid of that idiot who talks over the top of all my videos, I’d be set!